Softwatch EXAEQUO inspired by
Salvador Dali
Reference: Softwatch (2nd series) | Year:
1990 | Movement: Quarz (new battery
service) | Diameter: 28mm x 45mm
Original leather strap and original buckle
Condition: Very Good
Face diameter 2,8cm
One of Salvador Dali's most famous
paintings is The Persistence of Memory
(1931). Many researchers associate the
idea of creating this artwork with the
popularity of Einstein's theory of
relativity. However, Dali himself claimed
that in creating The Soft Watches he
relied more on Heraclitus' statement:
"Everything flows and nothing abides;
everything gives way and nothing stays
fixed". The artist questioned the nature
of time: its linearity did not seem clear to
the painter, and the complexity of this
phenomenon was underlined by the
diversity of images on the canvas.
The outstanding design of this
wristwatch, is optimal for men and
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